Insurance Claim Law

Insurance Law

When you enter into a contract with an insurance company, you expect that your needs will be taken care of in the event of a catastrophe or other loss. Unfortunately, you may find that you are not in good hands with your insurance company, and that your insurance company is not on your side.

When a loss eventually occurs and an insurance claim is filed, many claimants are denied coverage or offered much less than what they are owed. This may happen even after you have paid many years of insurance premiums for that coverage. Having an experienced insurance lawyer on your side can help. At The Law Office of J. Clay McCaslin, we are committed to standing up to insurance companies and helping you secure the coverage and compensation that is owed to you.

We provide legal advice and representation to individuals and businesses throughout northwest Oregon in a wide variety of insurance claims and disputes, including:


Many people believe that insurance law is black and white. It is not. A policy is a highly technical document that may be interpreted, analyzed, and applied in many different ways. Of course, you can be sure that the insurance company will usually find a way to interpret your policy in a way that benefits the insurance company, and not you. We are here to help.

When you retain our services, an experienced Portland insurance coverage attorney will analyze and interpret the fine print in a way that is most advantageous to you and the goal of maximizing your coverage. We know how to design insurance coverage strategies that work. From Uninsured and Underinsured claims to business disputes involving commercial general liability (CGL) policies, we are committed to helping you receive a favorable settlement or verdict.

Whether your insurance claim calls for mediation, arbitration, or taking your case all the way to trial, The Law Office of J. Clay McCaslin is dedicated to finding and implementing dynamic solutions to your insurance coverage needs.


We place our knowledge and expertise on your side from beginning to end. Contact The Law Office of J. Clay McCaslin today for a consultation and learn how we can help you obtain all of the insurance coverage and benefits to which you are entitled.

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The Epitome of an Excellent Lawyer

In my books, the epitome of an excellent lawyer.
— Brian, a personal injury client